Gooseneckfor medical equipment

Reliability and precision are essential in medicine - that's why you can rely on dedicated goosenecks for medical equipment.

By using specially designed goosenecks, you can not only increase the efficiency of your work, but also ensure maximum comfort for your patients. The precise alignment and reliability of our products help to ensure that your medical applications meet the highest standards.
Sample products:
Our experts will be pleased to assist you in selecting the optimum gooseneck for your medical application. We work closely with you to analyse your needs and develop customised solutions that will inspire you.


Flexibility, precision and compatibility - due to their practical properties, swan necks have become indispensable in medicine. To make the right choice, it is important to fully understand the specifications of medical goosenecks.
Compatibility with
medical equipment

Our flexible metal hoses can be bent at any angle and offer a high degree of stability. This allows medical professionals to align instruments and devices flexibly and reliably.

Compatibility with
medical equipment

From endoscopes and cameras to light sources - combine our goosenecks with your medical devices and instruments. A wide range of connection options allow seamless integration into your existing medical equipment.

Areas of application
in various medical fields

Goosenecks are used in a wide range of medical applications - wherever flexible but precise positioning is required. This includes, among other things:
  • Medical lights
  • Flexible tubes for ventilator suspension arm systems
  • Holders for infusions
  • Orthopaedic demonstration models
  • Control of treatment chairs
Medical goosenecks play an important role in endoscopy. They enable precise and efficient examination and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract and other organ systems. They also reduce the risk of injury and ensure careful treatment.

All this is possible thanks to the high flexibility of medical goosenecks. It allows flexible positioning of the endoscope so that the treating doctor can adjust the perspective as required - even in areas that are difficult to access. Only in this way are minimally invasive biopsies or the gentle removal of polyps possible at all.
Medical goosenecks are also a useful device in diagnostics - for example in radiology and sonography. Goosenecks can direct ultrasound equipment at different angles and depths to obtain detailed images and information. They also ensure precise alignment of the examination equipment, which is crucial for accurate diagnoses and ultimately provides better care for patients.

Quality and
safety of goosenecks
for medicine

At FLEXAL, we set the highest value on the quality and safety of our flexible metal hoses for medical equipment.
Materials and
manufacturing process

We stand for 100% Made in Germany. Our manufacturing process is subject to strict quality controls to ensure that every single product meets our high standards. From the selection of raw materials to final assembly, we emphasise precision and attention to detail. Each gooseneck undergoes thorough inspections and tests to ensure its performance, reliability and safety. This enables us to deliver products of outstanding quality that not only meet the high demands of medical devices, but also guarantee maximum customer satisfaction.

Certifications and
quality standards

Our goosenecks meet all important quality standards such as REACH and RoHS compliance and DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 certification. These certifications demonstrate our commitment to excellence and confirm that our products meet strict quality and safety standards and are suitable for use in the medical environment.


Your satisfaction is our top priority. Our medical goosenecks are specially designed to optimise your work processes and help you ensure first-class patient care.

Trust in the results of over 100 years of expertise and the courage to innovate. Contact us for a non-binding consultation with our experts. We will be happy to provide you with customised solutions for your individual requirements in the medical sector.